Thursday, 29 March 2018

We love you Mrs Byrne!

We've had a really special last week of term, doing lots of lovely things with Mrs Byrne.
Some of us enjoyed coming back into school on Monday to see her. On Tuesday we had lots of fun at our party day. Mr Marvel was REALLY funny and we had yummy cake.
Today, we were able to share all of our hard work over the past few weeks with Mrs Byrne. She was blown away with our beautiful cards and the amazing singing we worked together, as a whole school, to do. The teachers made us laugh a lot when they did their sharing assembly!

This is what we would like to say about Mrs Byrne:

Our Home Learning is the FORIS Easter challenge.

Have a brilliant Easter holiday- see you on Tuesday 17th April


  1. I liked the party. It was nice when we ate the cake.
    I had a big piece.

  2. I miss mars Byrne already, she was the best head teacher in the world
    Thomas Bu


Walking to School and May Dancing

We've really enjoyed walking to school this week. We went past the finish line on our chart because so many of us walked. It was good fu...